Financial abuse is common among domestic violence cases and occurs in 99% of cases reported. It is a form of control and manipulation used by the abuser to keep the victim from leaving. According to the National Network to End Domestic Violence, it is the number one reason why many people do not leave or return to an abusive relationship. The feeling of being trapped is overwhelming for most. If children are present, it makes leaving seem harder with the responsibility of establishing a safe environment without any resources.
"Financial Abuse is Common Among Domestic Violence Cases"!
Personally, I have had my own scare with financial abuse and have been able to recover. 13 years in an abusive marriage with joint bank accounts nearly cost me everything, but I was able to speak with a bank representative who assisted me substantially. I did not think of it until on one occasion, I went to pay the rent for the month and all of my money was gone. I was left with $60 and four children to feed. You can imagine all of thoughts running through my head at the time. How am I to take care of my children? How do I pay the rent? How am I going to make it back and forth to work? These concerns are valid. In marriage, joint bank accounts sound like a good idea, yet when the privilege is being abused it becomes a nightmare.
You may not be aware that your banking institution has a program designed to assist anyone experiencing abuse. I was able to open a separate account with the ability to report any expenditures that I did not authorize. Letting go of the fear and embarrassment of asking for help is the first step. It was then that I learned that the financial institution was willing to help me. Although it has been 8 years, I still receive text or emails regarding spending habits that look different than my normal spending patterns. I have come to appreciate that over time.
Let Go of Fear and Embarrasment!
In a world that has evolved to understand abuse on many levels allows for better access to resources. The first step is often times simply asking for direction. You never should feel fear or embarrassed for being abused. It is not your fault! If you are in need of help or direction to live a victorious life, we are available to help you. In the near future, discussions and articles about financial abuse will be available to members. To avoid missing out join us today!