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Derrick Jaxn Found Out

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

This week I felt like I was reading pages from the past as I watched and read through the videos and blogs about the scandals of Derrick Jaxn , the self love ambassador. His wife D'anaia Jackson, reminds me of the stance I took against the naysayers in my own abusive marriage. I would quote scriptures standing firm, bold and proud all while being vilified behind my back. I later learned that he (ex-husband) had been telling others that I was physically abusing him because I was walking in unforgiveness. Never in a million years would I have thought this, because no one ever came to ask me anything and these were "close friends" who believed his stories. Pastors, and church friends helped to hide him and his mistress for some time. Can you imagine how traumatizing that could be, to find out that a church helped to house your husband and his mistress?

Belief in God can be twisted to many things when scripture is taken out of context. Mrs. Jackson chose to use the scripture from proverbs 23 "as he thinketh in his heart so is he", which has been overused out of context. Please read it for yourself and understand the interpretation clearly. You will see that it has nothing to do with how you see yourself, but the content of the heart of a person you are dealing with. I am praying that this helps us all wake up and really seek out real genuine self love to heal to live this life victoriously.


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