If you had known that you could develop a mental disorder by staying in an abusive or narcissistic relationship would you have left sooner? I've asked myself this question many times. I really don't know if I would have left sooner because I was in the mindset of trying everything I could to make it work. Until my own body and mind started resisting my will (at least that is what it felt like in my opinion). Maybe your story is different yet here you are. These same principles can still help you along your personal journey to healing. Healing from complex post-traumatic stress disorder or CPTSD takes time and patience, but it can be done. Here are some tips I have learned along my own journey.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Prayer/Meditation/Self Care
Essential Oils
What exactly is cognitive behavioral therapy?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychological treatment according to the American Psychological Association. Many of us have seen parts of it used in wellness programs or by a life coach but may not have understood exactly what it was. Yet, it is best approached with a licensed practitioner because it involves change of thinking, change of behavior, and looking at core principles that have developed over time. The hope is for one to become their own source of therapy at some point. For some this process may be fast, and others it may be slow, but we all develop in our own time.
"It's all apart of CBT really!"
As we look to change our thinking, deep reflection occurs. The journey inward may start with a simple question of "why me". It is self-care and personal reflection that will lead you to the answers. Then writing the answers you seek while praying, meditating, or reflecting in a journal adds to our memory bank. I found that writing down my thoughts helped me process my emotions and develop a plan of action. It's also rewarding to go back over a goal you wrote about and realize you were successful. This aids in building confidence.
Utilizing essential oils in your home creates an atmosphere of relaxation to help you focus. Scents like Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint, or Sweet Orange will always boost your mood and give you a sense of mental clarity on your journey. Although you can use a diffuser, a simple spray bottle filled with water and few drops works wonders.
Art is very therapeutic. It can be anything you imagine it to be. The definition of the word art is the "human ability to create beauty". There are so many possibilities for all of us to try! What holds us back sometimes is simply not going through the process.
Trauma hinders us in unimaginable ways, yet it is up to us to decide whether we give up or give in. I made a personal decision to not live a defeated life but a victorious life. Following these steps allowed me to continue creating the art I love and enjoy. I know it can do the same for anyone!