Although a narcissistic personality type can be a male or a female, I will be addressing this post of taking back your power from the female perspective. After being free from a narcissistic spouse for the span of a year and half, I can now finally see clearly the mistakes that I made in the relationship. I know we want to blame everything on the partner, but please hear me out first then make a decision. This by no means excuses the abusive behavior, but it will help me and you to avoid it in the future.
First step in taking back your power is realizing the true worth of the narcissistic/sociopathic person and not what you were told. A narcissist or a sociopath doesn't bring anything beneficial to a relationship except for good excuses. Excuses for why they have no money or spent all their money, why they haven't had a successful relationship with anyone they have ever dated, why they don't have a clear plan to a successful future and why everything is everyone else fault . In the aftermath the truth will be revealed. For example, they have no money because they haven't worked for the past 10 years, but have been living off of anyone they could scam.
Now the most important part, who you are the stability, the honest person, the one who tried to help by providing a support system. You were the one with the dreams to build a future and you probably had a lot of things in place to get where you needed to go already. Narcissists and sociopaths only attach themselves to attractive, successful, and smart people with empathy and compassion. Did you get that, YOU are the one who is attractive, successful and smart! Boost that self esteem and take your power back. Even when they talk about you to friends and family, know that people are still watching you and all you have to do is live well in front of them. You don't have to believe the lies they told you to produce dependence anymore. If you did not have these great qualities, you would never have fallen prey to this type of person. They specifically look for those attributes.
Now that we know this, it up to us to protect our beauty, success, and intelligence from these types of people. Get to know a person truly first, and not just by what they say, but by what they do and how they act. This will serve to help you in your decision making process of how to give away your goods instead of them being stolen from you or given to the wrong person.
Take Back Your Power To Live victoriously!